Migrating Blog to Jekyll

It has been quite some time since I’ve last posted, but I’m back.

First things first; this site looks very different. I’m in the process of migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll and GitHub Pages. The core functionality and content were moved over, but I have have a small list of enhancements (adding a theme, social sharing, etc.) to work on over the next week or two.

I didn’t necessarily have any bad experiences with Wordpress that forced a change. In fact, I had originally chosen Wordpress in an attempt to distance blogging with another code project to tinker with. However, my Wordpress hosting plan’s imminent expiration and my interest in trying a static site generator created an opportunity. Using a Wordpress plugin to handle the content migration and site generation made the process pretty simple, so I decided to go for it..

I am leaning against enabling any sort of comment feature on the site. I’d rather engage in discussion on another platform like Twitter, where I am always interested in having a conversation.