Migrating Existing Projects to Salesforce DX
Identifying conflicts with package folders during a Salesforce DX migration.
I originally thought I could modify my data source, which consisted of a List of PieWedgeData records, to just make the labels equal to an empty string. Unfortunately, setting 3 wedges to empty strings had some unintended consequences around the rest of my usage of that data source.
You also might think that there is an option in the
Instead, I decided to put on my developer hat and turn on the Chrome Developer Tools. It isn’t every day that I get a chance to hunt down something that (as far as I can tell) is undocumented, so I took advantage of it.
After deciding that the rendererFn attribute on the
What I found was that if I set a value called the label.rendered to an empty string, it would in turn take my labels on that pieChart and ignore them.
<script type="text/javascript">
function pieRenderer(klass, item, e, f, g, h)
//overwrite the label rendering to be blank
this.label.renderer = new function() { return ''; };
<apex:chart animate="true" height="200" width="200" colorSet="#E93,#6AC,#AD2" data="{!myData}">
<apex:pieSeries tips="true" highlight="false" dataField="data" <strong>rendererFn="pieRenderer"</strong>/>
The only thing that I noticed as a side effect was that I also lost that drop shadow on the pie chart overall. As that wasn’t an issue for me, I haven’t spent any additional time trying to figure that out.